
Moments of Blue 1+2
Reflections and poetry about LOVE

“What is Love?
We search and want it, yet seem not to know what it is, drawn towards the lovable romantic, benevolent and empathic love, at desire to give and receive, at devotion and care.
But it is also interesting to explore paradoxes and absurdity of love: Does love have a rhythm or a pulse, like a wave that comes and goes by itself? What makes love living and magical?
Everyone wants to know: how can we make it last? Can morale, discipline, beauty and creativity have an impact on whether it grows and evolves? How is love associated with fear, loss and suffering? What is the volatile in love? How far out does it reach? Can love die and become indifference? What is love inside our own self?”

Moments of Blue Books 3

Price for both books: 200,00 Dkr + shipping costs 70,00 Dkr = 270,00 Dkr

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Love Book

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1. Psykologhuset Specular, Troejborgvej 2D 8200 Aarhus N DK
2. Studio Mette Milling, Mejlgade 44, 2 8000 Aarhus C DK

RECOMMENDATION – Specular writes on facebook:

We can now proudly present that Specular sells Mette Millings books ‘Moments of Blue 1 + 2’. Mette Milling reflects in the books of love through beautiful poetry and articles about how we can experience, live, interact and create with love.
All of us seek and crave for love: passion, care, affection, romance and to interconnect. We need to give and receive care for ourselves, others and to love life. But what is love in all its complexity? What is the magic of love? How can love sometimes seem difficult?
Mette Milling gives us answers to questions that are hiding behind the word love, for better or worse, in the ‘Moments of Blue’.”