
Many consider each of us as brain with body separated from other beings. I am me – you are you, between us is empty air, nothing. Yet we see that in an old married couple man and wife seem to look alike. What happened? Did they copy each other through a lifetime together? Actually they did.

We are more united than we might think. Unconsciously we registrar constantly and automatic tiny movements in face and body language of each other to know about the atmosphere between us: is the person or situation between us loving, tense or dangerous?

We also imitate mimic of others in our own face, so we can feel within what kind of mood is in other humans. With sympathy and empathy.
Plastic operations in face take away this skill even effecting loss of contact with our own feelings, no longer able to express them physical. Also we can not sense mood and state of being by others anymore.


Sensing and feeling each other´s emotions as well as imitating and copying are sending signals to our brain for it to analyse and valuate, so we get able to choose how to interact and connect a convenient way – for all of us to feel good.

By copying each other we create habits and cultures spreading good or bad atmosphere – in a love relation as well as in larger groups without saying anything. It means that we are in constant not-separated exchange creating senses of wellbeing, depression, fear, joy and love within and between us.

Also we are not separated from our own self, we are not divided into incoherent pieces. Through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (both part of the automone nervous system) all what we are is one being. Thoughts, feelings, body, senses, sexuality, spirituality, reflections, digestion etc. are constantly interacting – mostly unconsciously for us.


Loving behaviour and generous giving acts seem to be an advantage for all of us: Hugs, friendly touch, kindness, care, smiles, looking into eyes, spreading joy, warmth, tenderness, humour etc. make everybody inside a group feel good.

Details in mimic must fit with the words we express.
If a man say: I don´t love you and we unconscious “read” that he does, this is confusing for us. Should we believe his words or our own sense? Who feels what?

To heighten sense of wellbeing for all of us, we must act with conscious tender care – and mean it! When we show love and care for real, we can come to experience a magic synchronicity, where life feels easy floating the right way – in a unity: a we.
We get happier, also more motivated and open to love.


We are also not separated from the physical and immaterial world around us. We respond to and act upon buildings, nature, light, dark, colours, surfaces, volumes etc. It was not a coinsidence that Albert Speer created Hitlers headquarters in Berlin with an entrance door of the double height to make visitors feel small before they entered the building.

We are living in an interconnectedness with everything and everybody we meet, those we know well and those we don’t know anything about, together we live inside the blue atmosphere around our planet. We breathe the same air. Effect and respond. Inseparable living as part of a bond. We better spread love and care, better create everything considering and carefully for each other, humanity and Earth – we are part of it. Just love