• Winter

    Brrrr – cold wind from east cooling down city ice on streets stay inside with winter-socks chocolate and oranges freshly […]

  • Sunday morning

    Listening to your breathing while you sleep deep How can anyone be so silent? My skin sense rough of your […]

  • Previous atmosphere workshops

  • What is From Open Heart

    From Open Heart is creative psychological workshops helping business, health, education, service, cultures and individuals to create future from love […]

  • Who

    As a designer with many years of experience working as facilitator, inspiring, provoking, transforming development in creative processes with customers […]

  • Methods

    For creativity, development, emersion and manifestation is used well known methods from design, psychology, Native Indian methods, mindfullness and Theory […]

  • Create future from hearts – in Italy

    Five intensive transformative workshop days – from hearts to idea and strategy see: Create future from your heart In creativity […]

  • Keep your heart open

    Two intensive workshop days – continuation of Create future from heart – transformation to freedom and empathy Take part in […]

  • Create future from your heart

    Two intensive workshop-days for groups – ideas from heart to strategy Do you wish to create new sustainable strategies? Take […]

  • Talks/lectures

    “Future will be created from heart” About future goals for libraries See Video “Interior design is a way of thinking” […]