
Beauty is important for humans. It gives pleasure, joy and meaning to our lives. Beauty is part of the Greek Square in philosophy: the Good, the True, the Fair and the Beauty in each corner in which the correlation between these leads to Freedom placed in centre of square.
Beauty can touch us deeply, like when we a sunny day get amazed and impressed in a wordless experiencing the divine greatness in The Alps, tears run down our cheeks while our heart is melting to softness.

In springtime beauty seems to explode around us with one more beautiful shaped and coloured flower after another, soft pastel colours and stronger suit bright colours are beautiful in different ways, pleasing both our eyes, sense of scent and feelings in heart.

Often we connect beauty to experiences in nature, the bright sunlight over sea at dawn, beautiful views in charming landscapes bringing forward smiles and light mood. Sounds of birds singing, whistling of warm wind in leaves, rhythm of waves have inspired us to create music with similar beauty to open for touching emotions in heart and soul.

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Beauty is connected to our senses. A man can get attracted and enjoy the appearance of a beautiful woman, how she moves, looks, the sound of voice and the light in her eyes. A woman can melt by a man who’s gentle and generous behaviour is beautifully caring and supportive.

We like to serve food beautifully, to be caring of how we decorate the table for a meal, how the colours of food on plates is attracting and tell a seducing story about how it will probably taste. Producing wine is almost a scientific search for the most beautiful taste that could inspire for love and poetic romance sharing a delicate meal together.

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Beauty is basic for expressions in art, music and architecture created with the purpose to make us feel good, almost in love, seduced and captured how details in shapes and materials are organized a beautiful way into a wholeness. This beauty in meant to enrich us. Some would say that what we experience as beautiful depends on the person. This is true. Still so many of us find Alhambra and Tai Mahal mostly beautiful. In ancient time, the golden age, roman architect invented systemt and messuring that should be basic rules for how to build something beautiful for centuries.

We sense the beauty of life, when we are open aware and awake, where we are, following the beautiful path of raindrop running down on window, see the glittering of sun on surface of sea almost like star lights, listening to the music of bells around necks of sheep’s, the golden colour of orange juice in a pretty glass and beauty of night sky where stars and planet at same time seem distant and near.

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All of us wish to be caring into what we create, we sense the care often in handmade handycraft. Indians wove beautiful baskets with pearls and made beautiful leather shoes and decorations on body. We make our selves look beautiful with clothe that we regard beautiful depending on what is the fashion style at the moment. We buy cars not only for transportation or speed, but prefer those that we can show others as beautiful possessions.

We want to behave beautiful to attract others or just to make them like us. Women use time to prepare their appearance by seduce with attention on what they find beautiful by them selves, the eyes, the legs, the hair and the beauty in sweetness, using clothe, mascara and lipstick. We do sports to make our bodies not only be strong and healthy, but to look beautiful and therefore feel beautiful. We like to smell beautiful, so we so we spray perfume on the neck and lubricate fragrant cream on the skin.

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Romantic moments in love we keep in our memory for ages as beautiful life, we have lived, and we desire to live this kind of beauty again and again.
Experiences of beauty is connected to feeling blessed and grateful for maybe a great amount of beauty in our every day lives, or yearly experiences where we melt inside by for instance seeing a Christmas tree decorated beautifully with light and hearts.

We can get touched suddenly discovering the beauty of a hand holding a cup of tea, when it is the hand of someone that we love deeply. All of us see the beauty in our own children, in our pets and we enjoy the beauty we have decorated our homes to feel homely. We do what we can to create beautiful gardens where we feel to have our own paradise.

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We want to live beautiful lives where we can trust in each other and share beautiful moments of presence together fully awake. Beautiful moments are living love. We feel enriched by the beauty watching a wonderful ballet and the beauty in flee of sparrows in air. We appreciate the beauty in moments of silence sitting close together with a good friend we know well. Quietness can be beautiful.

Shadow in old forest with scents of pinecones and mushrooms and the atmosphere under huge trees can have divine beauty of almost being inside church of nature. Beauty makes our lives meaningful and with valuable content.
Beauty can be like poetic magic, it makes us wonder, feel pleasure, be mildly and touched. Enriched by beauty we love life.