Fervency and affection

How do we sincerely devote ourselves to love, to someone or to something?
When do we do it? When we fall in love lasting for 3-6 month and then never again? When we have a strong belief in something or a cause that we deeply feel – passionately – a need to realize? When we get kids? When we experience magnificent nature?

Fervour or heartfelt means deeply felt. Like “he deeply felt that the idea was against his true values” or “his eyes glowed both of heartfelt tenderness and seductive burning passion”.
Affection means
1: to give into, surrender with a deep feeling of love, sympathy or care for someone or something
2: humility and faithfulness
3: devotion to someone or something
Often we regard fervency as giving into a great desire or lust for something, often with a huge delightfulness or gratefulness. Such passionate state that many of us dream about to experience.

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Fervency is burning, profound, fiery, hot, exciting, sensuous, scalding,, warm – all things that we regard as part of passion and loving someone deeply devoted.

Some regard such passionate love as an illusion, more as being an obsession, where a person is out of control, almost losing oneself.
It could seem connected to the depended love: I want you to be mine no matter what it takes, as possessing another person like an object – far from feeling care, concern, accept and respect for another.

It is true that sometimes a person can get so obsessed to possess another that he will either kill himself or the other, if he does not get the one he desires.
We must say that passion is powerful.

Devotion and fervency seem a physical experience: heart beats faster, blood is boiling, we breathe both deeper and faster and electricity seems to light up every nerve in our body.

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We do get obsessed in a way where we cannot think about nobody else than the beloved – also have difficulties on concentrating on anything else than the person, we are devoted to. This physical body sensing is wonderful.

When it is there, we fly soar into heaven, when it goes away, we want it again – it makes us feel happy and invincible. We strongly believe than nothing else matters, not money, work, family – only this.
But fervency can also be very quiet: a warm inner being, a slowly growth of love to another or with life itself, building on trust, acceptance and respect.

Often this appears after a longer period getting to know each other, also the painful and embarrassing sides of us.

We feel heartfelt connection and belonging to those who are still devoted to us even when we are not perfect, even more so. We have courage to share a true confidentiality with others.

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Then can arise a deep inner feeling of bringing ones own deepest grain and soul in accordance with truth and harmony with what happens here and now.
In such state we are humble and grateful, faithful and at peace – this state of being is maybe the closets many of us can come to felicity.
We are fully awake – being alive in serenity. Fervent and affectionate.
Some people get scared of affection, scared of passion and devotion. We fear that there can be hidden ghosts, if we open up for softness and fear that maybe we meet that tenderness where we so easy get touched.

This can be caused by a fear to go into a bond or scare of the pain, if we lose again.
But what a treasure to miss, if we get the chance to experience this just once in a lifetime……