
Two little boys approximately 8-10 years asked me: What is Givism? It is when you give something to somebody without expecting to get anything back, but you will get back anyway, because everybody is giving. And when we are receiving something, we have to say thank you, I answered.

They ran away and half an hour they returned to me and said to me: We think you are very skilled and good at doing, what you do. They looked proud at me with exited faces.
Thank you, I said and they smiled big: Now we don´t have time to talk with you anymore, we are very busy giving.

A baby dies if it doesn’t get physical touch. It suffers without tender care and love. Adults die emotionally if they don’t get physical touch and suffer if they don´t exchange love and attention. The great amount of mirror-neurons in brain makes us spread a “culture” of neurons between each other. We feel what the others feel.
This is why depression is contagious. Habits of lovable acts within a culture and relation are part of make us feel what we feel. It is contagious too. It means that it pays off to act loving. It will come back to us.

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Givism is to give without expecting to receive something back right away or in same way. Normally we receive right away, but not always.
If one of partners in a love-relation is constantly giving love, care and support while the other one as a black hole in universe takes without giving or acting lovingly back, the relation is unbalanced.

In time the black-hole-person might be elevated, but the giver has in the meantime become empty. When this happens the black-hole-person either falls back into ones own black hole or finds a new giver. Instead it’s better to support growth in the giver who was lacking – for the sake of the relation. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


To feel good and evolve love to more love, conscious responsibility to strengthen each person in groups and relations is necessary to stronger the “we” – that must also be cared for and nursed at workplaces.

A culture of polite-I-don´t-mean-it-but-have-hidden-agendas-and-strategies-just-for-me-not-you-so-I-joke-for-you-to-not-see-the-real-me creates insecurity and un-trust by others.

A culture in lack of hearty, near, honest and warm contact between individuals makes humans suffer and get sick.
When we feel separated from others within a group or get mirrored back cynicism, coldness, avoiding and rejection, we are over time entitled to become and act the same.

Consciously choosing commitment and determination of Givism can create a more loving atmosphere. We must be aware: what can I do and give to “us”, the wholeness.


Giving love is not altruism, because “I” also is part of the neuron-flow.
If pressure towards mediocrity and cynicism is too strong, it can be necessary to retire from the gang for a while to build up love to oneself – alone or with others outside the group.

Each of us must have courage to be vulnerable with open heart for this to succeed, including that we can ask for help, when needed: hug me, then I will hug you back. In a world with the habit of considering humans as goods, constant looking for how we can consume others, this seems not easy.

First we must practice in loving, accepting, respecting, appreciating, honouring and forgiving way to our own self, from where we can give the same into our nearest relations.
Spread love by being near others everywhere so we all feel alive. Give who we are to all the entire “we” with love.
Just give.

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