Heart meditation

Sit on a chair straight up, but relaxed
both feet on ground
hands resting in lab
closed eyes
Breathe deep 3 times, in nose, out from mouth

Now let your awareness focus on body
slowly from soles of feet to crown on top of head
Very slowly like a body scan
if there are any tenseness somewhere
in body, face, organs
accept or release, both are fine
use at least 15 minutes

When thoughts come along, seem to disturb
accept and mildly focus further on body scan
Now lay left hand on heart and
right hand on top of left hand
Sitting like this, let your awareness follow you breath
as it is, don’t control
just let the love in your heart come to live
as it is
if you don’t feel anything, it is still all right
use at least 5 minutes

Now slowly open eyes
make a drawing or painting of the experiences
during meditation