
What is “to honour” – is it to bow humbly for someone? Is it to crawl along the floor and make our selves into a very small human? Or is it to respect and be grateful for something or someone with gratefulness and pleasure? In fact make ourselves into a great human who with hearty spaciousness are able to thank others for enriching us.

In the wedding ritual the priest asks: “Will you honour each other….for good and for worse?”, – and we all say yes. But how do we do it – every day? To honour is an act, a way to worship something of value. It can be a friend that we worship to be in our life, which would be poorer without this friend.

Most of us must admit that often we forget to honour each other. It´s like we have not understood that by giving grace and honour to someone, we become great. To honour is to give value and appreciate someone or something – to show it and give it. When we do, we raise up the situation and the relation between us to become more precious.

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Many of us unfortunately believe that we might only have 10 kisses on cheek to give. If we give the nine to our kids, there is only one left to our wife and none to the rest of the world. Or that we have only 10 hugs to give, so it´s better to be stingy and hold back – in case there will come a situation, where we would be forced to give a polite hug.

This belief is based on regarding world as always being in lack. It´s based on fear to not have enough. This way we believe that giving and honouring takes something away from us – and this is an illusion. There exists no lack, – and the more we give with generosity the more we will get: we will simply grow and inspire the rest of the world to also be giving. Others will honour us for being great humans.

Of cause it´s also about being humble. When we don’t take life and what comes to us of treasures for granted, we are more open and can receive with honour – which in fact makes us be happie
If we give with the intension to get, we create dependency. Honour cannot thrive inside dependency. Honour can only comes from the heart, a true heartfelt giving making our selves and others become touched and feel closely connected.

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The culture we seem to have created regarding life as a trade and humans as commodities, we can leverage and dividend, give no space for generosity and honour. It removes pure trust, since we believe that behind each act from another is a hidden motive to exploit us and take something away from us.

This makes us miserly in love, as we have come to also regard as a commodity.
Giving with honour and gratefulness is not about giving something bought for money. Honour does cost anything, but its value is priceless, meaning: is worth more than any material thing, we could ever imagine.
To honour means to give from who we are, show our vulnerability and softness with dignity, appreciating others and something also as worthy.

It is not always another person we need to honour. It can be circumstances or what seems coincidences or special responsibilities that we are handed, because somebody else regard us as able to handle something difficult.
We can receive honour for instance as a medal, when we have done something good for others, for a community, a country etc. – by purpose or not. When we have done something extraordinary and selfless for others or for a cause. Risked our life in a war for instance.


Honour is also about ethic, those principles that are basic for our moral acts. To give honour means to value the game, do what is the right thing to do. In this sense “to honour” is much more than saying thank you.

All of us must make it a habit to be honourable and generous with loving acts fitting into our moral beliefs. Love others. Really love them. Hold tightly on to what is good. Love each other with a genuine affection and take delight in honouring each other.

To be able to honour others it is necessary that we honour our selves first. Present our selves with dignity, but in a humble way – it´s not about being more or better than anybody else. Also we can honour life itself, show gratitude to every single small gift, that comes our way: honour the sun, the wind, that we have clean water to drink, a warm place to sleep, friends, a job, beautiful views in nature etc.
Love life.