Physical heart space
Design before the design
– Creative process when change of interior is needed
You can need help to redecorate the interior, when areas must express a sudden atmosphere and style to support special situations, special service or culture, new ways of working, or functionally support a changed organization etc.
Basic for how an atmosphere appear and can be experienced, for instance supporting an intimate, vulnerable and sensitive conversation, are colours, structures, materials and light.
When a group of employees is involved in how the interior has to appear and function, it can strengthen the cooperation and the feeling of identity to the workplace and give ownership to what is decorated.
The optimal physical solution can easily content of both new and old fixtures and furnitures added new colours, decoration and light.
The creative process is often a provoking recognising and awareness process that has character as team building, because concretization of how something can appear physical, confronts us with how we wish to work, meet, share, live and behave.
The creative process helps to give clearance about what we want and how we want it. Therefore the process leads to awareness about how something in a workplace can and should be organized.
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Innovation – portfolio – processer