What is From Open Heart

From Open Heart is creative psychological workshops helping business, health, education, service, cultures and individuals to create future from love

From Open Heart is about
– sensing inside to find consciousness, ideas and resources to create sustainable solutions
– how we relate to our own self, to each other and to the world,
– how we act, behave, interact and create with love
– finding hidden knowledge and true values
– interconnectedness, common spirit, magic and meaning
– taking responsibility for Human Sustainability
– mental and emotional wellbeing


From Open Heart is about love and creativity
First of all it’s about love to your self, to others and to Life
Putting love into what you are part of creating as a human being and as a leader

The goal for the From Open Heart activities is that you will become a whole and authentic human being, who meets the world with empathy, power, peace and openness – and create from there

When you unfold your potentials from your true nature, you will together with others be able to create more sustainable results that are valuable for everybody and for the future as a whole
Then you can lead from being – the one you deeply are

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From Open Heart starts from where you are right now and give you in a loving way the opportunity for more consciousness about your self, about how you act, about what you are meant to do – alone and together with others

To be whole means that the mental, physical, spiritual and psychological aspects of you are not divided from one another
When they are, you may feel torn, lonely, in distance from others and perhaps have difficulties finding the meaning in what you do, both in your work-life and private

To become whole you must know, accept and respect all aspects of your self. You must have consciousness about what prevents you from fully unfolding your resources and your creativity, so you from the inner you can create meaningful results

Look also here about: HUMAN SUSTAINABILITY