
As a designer with many years of experience working as facilitator, inspiring, provoking, transforming development in creative processes with customers who need their interior design to support new service, organisation, teaching and culture, – I have expanded the range of products in my company with ‘fromopenheart’.
In this parallel-product creativity is combined with psychology, also one of my main fields.

I grew up in a forest near the fjord. As a child I spent many wonderful hours in nature alone with my fantasy.
In nature I learned to orientate my self with my senses, to be aware and awake, see all the beauty: how the sun was wandering at sky and playing with light and shadow between trees, I enjoyed forest sounds, scents and colours, I knew birds and animals. In forest I could eat berries, climb, build caves, run fast, sing loudly or hide my self.
By beach I could gather shelves, create stone sculptures and get lost in the song of waves.

Nature was my great play space, where I also with other kids created stories. We were completely present in the moment, captured together into our fantasies and into nature.
I learned the value of senses and fantasy.


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When I as adult was educated to be an artist and an architect and later took a psychology education, my experiences from childhood would be manifested: I could continue to play, be free to jump in and out of fantasies and to make the wildest ideas come true, if this was what I wanted.

As architect, artist and in psychology I use senses and feelings to investigate if creative ideas are durable, to move borders, to inspire to creative growth of projects, my self or others.
The more emotions in our own selves, we can master to witness and express, the freer we are both as humans and professionally.

For many of us, more awareness of intuition, creativity and cordiality is what we really need to ensure that Human Sustainability is durable in what we create and do.

From Open Heart is for you who want to rediscover your creativity and intuition and, together with others and the world, understand how you can create anything you want – from the heart.


Warmly Mette Milling

