
To sense being living, feeling alive, we must be conscious about our 5 senses, also possess ability “to have a sense of”, our intuition.
We have to be awake and open in curiosity for what we see, hear, taste, smell and what we feel physical in and outside body.

An idea is to pretend that we discover our senses for the very first time. Try to take a little pea between your fingers and then look at it. Really see without any thoughts, don’t value.See its colours, shape and how the form reflects light.

Feel it between fingers. Roll it over the arm and around inside hands, feel its size and form. Squeeze it a bit – is it soft or hard?
Smell it carefully – is its scent sweet, fresh or sour? Does it have a sound, when you squeeze?
Put it on tongue and roll it around in mouth. Feel softly the pee between each tooth, then bite slowly and suck. Eat it more slowly than ever, how does it taste?


Maybe we recognize one summer morning the sound of church bells and we discover, that we never before heard the sound so crisp and soft with an after-tone swinging out to almost evaporating.

We might experience like a child for the first time how wonderful such sound spread delightful bliss to all our nerves in body. We have to smile in feeling such joy. It seems magic, but it´s only sensing life as it is, always was.


When snow has recently melted and sun warms frozen soil to become soft and muddy an early spring day, we recognize now we can smell the soil – at the same time spicy, plump and fresh mixed with smell of rotten leaves and apples died at autumn. We sniff deeply to know of this scent which was hidden under snow for so long. Our nose remembers this sign that winter is finally over and now comes more light and warm times to us.
Also this is a magical experience.

On a cold winter night with no clouds we look up to see the amount of glittering stars in patterns at sky, we both see and sense expanding of Universe, pulse of Cosmos like a breath that we are just one tiny part of.


Being amazed by this beauty, the infinity, feeling small and at peace in greatness of world we are not able to describe but understand and don’t understand.
We can wonder about how we know not be alone but for sure involved in a huge unification of energy as the smallest grain.
The more we really look we discover deepness and distance, this being never alone.

Such sensing experience feels like a fairy-tale, yet it is very real and near.
Magic moments like this appear when we are fully alive, present exactly where we are in awareness of what we sense.
Often we forget to sense life this way, we think too much, are too busy with things that we wrongly believe is the important true content of life, or we constantly feel too less, as nothing, or feel too much fear, worry, shame and guilt not conscious about our senses and essence.

When we don’t make time to sense, magic of love existing by it self inside us cannot be visible. Then we think that love is something that has to come from another.
Awareness of senses and sensing make love in our own self comes to live, be alive. To sense to love.