Happy heart

Happiness is to be happy.
What makes us deeply happy is love.
Romantic love gives thrill, fear and excitement for a short while, these magic moments in life, where so much is unsure, unknown, surprising, enligthened filled with expectations that good maybe sexy moments will happen next minute or tomorrow.

But having someone near in heart to love, receive and give love to on daily bases, someone whom we feel belonging, warmth, affection and care, someone who has the same feelings towards us, makes us live with a more steady happiness.
Some think that we can only have this light mood of steady happiness inside a love relationship, family, towards kids, but they are mistaken.

We can be near a colleague, a neighbour, a pet, a garden, a hobby, a beloved project, nature etc., that fill us with gratefulness for life – and for what is in it. This makes some of us happy.

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Daily exchange of thoughts, feelings and ideas with a friend is love, face to face or digital. When we feel noticed and valuated by another, it makes us happier, than having nobody to share our self with. In particular, what creates feelings of happiness is mystic, magic surprises.

If our beloved say I love you constantly, we adjust to it over time, forget to appreciate, it does not have the same effect after a while. But if the beloved suddenly puts a silly note of love on our pillow, the effect is back immediately.
We get happy by a handwritten not expected postcard, a neighbour surprisingly bringing a homemade cake, receiving phone call from a long lost friend, warm hugs, help and support from a stranger. Or surprised by a bouquet of flowers from a lover (who never buy flowers) can make us happy.

It all can increase the production of happy-hormones enligthening smiles in our faces. When we are all more aware of this, we can creatively make everybody around us be happier by surprising them, the effect is immediate: their happiness reflects back upon us to be happier too.

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To give makes us happy. Giving to and helping others make us happy. Travelling elevate happiness.
When we get out from daily routine and comfort zone, we seem to wake up, be more present in exact moments than when we run unconsciously around in same rhyhtm of everyday life. Later we can enjoy experiences from the journeys again, recreate the happy feelings for instance by watching photos from the journey.

Sensing with consciousness makes us happy. Smelling deep scent of wind from sea, flowers in spring, eating slowly something delicious, listening to beautiful music, be touched on skin with care, watching something we find beautiful or miraculous makes us be happy.

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Seeing giants of Alps first time can amaze us in a high thrilling happiness, spiritual impressed with grace. Watching someone we love being occupied in a hobby can touch our heart. Knowing that our loved ones are doing good in life, succeed and thrive, pleases us, makes blood float warm in our hearts.
It`s simply healthy to be happy.

Why are so many people not happy?
Often unhappiness has nothing to do with others, but with how we treat our own self, therefore we treat others same bad way: Ungratefulness (with everything), focus on what others might think and say about us, no interests, never do anything silly, having no goals (short and longterm), no hope and a bad economy.

Sickness, fear, depression and loneliness, feeling of separation with life and one self makes us unhappy. When we live a life focused on fear, worries and take desions limiting our possibilities to act, when we blame everything else for bad life conditions, when we are unflexible, when we focus narcissistic only on how to get – never give, then we feed a downward spinal to unhappiness.


Fear for future and focus on the bad from past create unhappiness. Many people focus on “when” (I get a boyfriend, a car, a house, my degree ect) or “if” (I get a boyfriend, a car, a house, my degree ect).

This habits of thinking “when” and “if” pushes happiness out in a future that does not yet exists, it makes us never get there. We seem to stay unhappy.
Taking responsibility to create our own happiness here and now, makes us happy: by being grateful for what we already have – say thank you for it every day.

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Simple little things make us more happy: getting out in fresh air each day. Living healthy, meditate, use the body physical. Helping other people, also those we don´t know. Make breaks for our own self to do nothing. See a funny movie or read a funny book.

Laughing make us happy. Social activities make many of us happy, but for some they get more happy alone captured into a hobby.
Stop thinking we have to be perfect all the time, accepting that we are just humans worthy to be loved, then we create happy feelings.
Loving our own true imperfect self with care make us happy, also loving others for just what they are.
Love makes us happy.