
Humans need mystery.
It`s important for us to wonder and get amazed about something we don’t understand rationally. We get attracted to magic miracles and mysterious signs that we find meaningful and inspiring for our life.

Mystery is strange factors or phenomena (for instance in nature) that we cannot immediately understand or come to clarity about, also they cannot be grasped in terms of common sense. But still they feel meaningful to us, so we can let us surrender to believe in what is not explainable. Or we get exited without need to find a rational explanation behind the mysterious.

When we have all answers, we get bored. Living a life, where each day is the same, each year the same for a long time and we think we know everything about everything, it can make us be unsatisfied, worried, invent problems and sorrows. It can even make us sick and depressed, when life is without any mystery – and we want more.

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In creative inspired moments, in spiritual experiences and in love we can come to experience that we, surroundings and the experience melt into a mystical oneness, as a divine revelation of recognition: Unio Mystica. A deep mysterious emotional insight or intuition, often spiritual.

Some search through mystic traditions to enter a reality that cannot be described logically or intellectually and which are separated from the reality we call normal. A typical theme is that Universe is a continuum where the goal by the mystic praxis is to experience this as a reality.

Most important technique to reach to this experience is meditation and contemplation, but also many artists claim that they experience this often in the creative process: a real and mystical way they seem guided by God or another force to create superior beauty.

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In everyday life we often use the word “mystical” about something secret and rare.
We think of something shady and suspicious, like the mystic man a dark night seemingly appear from nowhere. Or when the evidence in a murder seems to have disappeared a mystical way.

Fairytalish games and movies with mysteries are popular. It seems that the scientific and religious mystery is not as attractive and exiting to us as before.
Mystery allow us to live and express other parts of us that is difficult to show openly in strict cultures, so we see a mystery movie or play a game instead.

We search for answers down the tiniest little grain and atom. We search out in Universe and behind the Milky Way to the indefinitely to find answers and to wonder. Many of us need to believe in something greater than us or outside us A: not to feel alone, B: to find hope, consolation and trust – when times are hard.

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Even many rather rational-minded people read horoscopes or get captured by mystic of fullmoon, where humans transform to werewolves or vampires, women get pregnant without men and violent men go bananas.
The native american indians had mystical rituals, dances and stories that gave enriching spirit to a hard life in nature.

We still like to believe that a silver-chunk has a divine power and that mystic forces can protect us, when we get scared. A mystical way guiding signs appear to us dark nights in forest, so we don’t get lost. Men get attracted to mystical women. We go to mystical wise-women to get ambiguous answers and look into the cards: where will I find the love of my life?

We like masquerades where we dress ourselves to become somebody else, take on masks, so we have to guess who each other is. The mystery is exciting and sexy.
Love is mystical to us. An enormous power that can make us move from one country to another, when we fall in love. We cannot explain why.
We need love to be mysterious, magical and special, – so it is