• Morninglove

    Allow me to dance naked with you in light of morningsun

  • Love yourself

    LOVE yourself all day – this is April SENSE sun FEEL warmth in body WALK on feet SMILE inside to […]

  • Searching for love

    They search day and night That moment standing on hill in orange evening by gate of steel below the old […]

  • Service design and love

    Service is to serve. We must serve our own self in a good way. Many forget to serve them selves. […]

  • Love nature

    I am beach my body sand and stones, seaweed and shelves also tiny little flowers Sea is my lover his […]

  • To love is an act

    How we treat our own self loving or unloving is also how we act in near relations, how we meet […]

  • Creativity and love

    To create is to love. When we let our self drown into a creative process, forget time and place, melt […]

  • Angel love

    It was not because we were naked undressed not only because what you did with honour and dignity not the […]

  • Love tea

    I imagine Japanese are good lovers Indeed they are caring about drinking a cup of tea put value and time […]

  • Gate to love

    Are you in pain, it doesn`t disappear, if you wait for it to pass you have to pass go through […]